Dr. David Fouse has a new article in The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis entitled “Japan’s New Defense Policy for 2010: Hardening the Hedge.”

The article which appears in the December issue is an expanded version of an earlier article he did for APCSS.

In the article Fouse states “that Japan has placed new emphasis on developing its own capability to deter China in the “gray zones” of disputed territories and waters near its southern island chain. Consensus across the Japanese security community on this new strategic outlook has led to the abandonment of the Basic Defense Force concept and the adoption of a ‘Dynamic Defense Force’ concept as the underlying logic driving Japan’s defense policy.”

“Japan’s new policy of dynamic deterrence emphasizes increasing its visibility in the southern islands through improved intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance (ISR) capabilities as well as enhancing its capability to deal with contingencies arising in that area by developing a more mobile and flexible force structure that is better coordinated for a timely response. While domestic ideological battles continue to thwart the adoption of collective self-defense and other controversial revisions to Japan’s defense policy, Japan’s willingness to play a larger role in monitoring Chinese maritime expansion in the East China Sea has been welcomed by the United States,” says Fouse.

The article concludes that Japan’s “3/11” disaster is unlikely to change its new defense policy and that the future of Japan’s defense transformation will most likely be guided by the outcome of Japan’s engagement with China.You can read the full article online at: http://www.kida.re.kr/data/kjda/04_David%20Fouse.pdf


The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, the U.S. Pacific Command, the U.S. Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.