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So far APCSS Editor has created 648 blog entries.

DKI APCSS welcomes health security expert to faculty

By |2016-03-03T17:05:09-10:00March 3rd, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College|

Dr. Deon Canyon Dr. Deon Canyon has become the newest faculty member at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Canyon brings to the Center knowledge in crisis management, humanitarian action and disaster risk reduction with a particular emphasis on public health issues, to include vector-borne diseases and bioterrorism. He has extensive experience as a scholar and professor, serving most recently with the University of Hawaii, and Curtin and James Cook Universities in Australia, where he focused on global health protection and health security. The addition of Canyon to the faculty is a plus for the Center [...]

DKI APCSS alumnus helps ensure election safety in Myanmar, earns Alumnus of Year Award

By |2016-03-01T13:01:35-10:00March 1st, 2016|Categories: Courses, Faculty, College, Alumni|

Myanmar Police Col. Zaw San provides details on his successful DKI APCSS Fellows Project to 120 Fellows attending the Comprehensive Crisis Management course (CCM 16-1) at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Police Col. Zaw San, an alumnus of the Comprehensive Crisis Management course (CCM 15-1), played a key role in Myanmar’s ability to conduct nearly violence-free elections in November. The colonel briefed his contribution to 120 Fellows attending CCM 16-1 at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Feb. 22. Following his brief, Center Director Brig. Gen. (Ret) Dan Leaf presented San with [...]

OpEd: FONOPs to Preserve the Right of Innocent Passage? – Cmdr. Jonathan Odom

By |2017-03-09T13:25:09-10:00February 25th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Opinions/Editorials, Odom|Tags: |

U. S. Navy Cmdr. Jonathan Odom has a new OpEd in The Diplomat entitled: "FONOPs to Preserve the Right of Innocent Passage?   Despite popular misconception, that is hardly 'Mission Impossible.'" In the OpEd, Odom looks at the U.S. Freedom of Navigation (FON) program and reviews other recent commentaries on the subject especially in relation to "innocent passage." According to Odom, it is not an "operational impossibility" (as was asserted by another recent commentator) for a U.S. warship to conduct a FONOP challenging an excessive maritime claim, and to exercise the right of innocent passage simultaneously. To the contrary, if depicted as [...]

OpEd: America’s Micronesia Problem – Lt. Col Thomas Matelski

By |2017-03-09T13:25:42-10:00February 19th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Opinions/Editorials, Matelski|Tags: |

DKI APCSS professor U.S. Army Lt. Col Thomas Matelski has an OpEd in the latest edition of The Diplomat focused on the implications of not renewing the Compact of Free Association between the Federated States of Micronesia and the U.S. “America’s Micronesia Problem” provides a background on this relationship, how it came about, and outlines possible consequences of this association coming to an end. According to Matelski: “Ending the Compact in 2018 impacts F.S.M. more than it does the U.S. For one thing, Micronesians currently living abroad will lose their immigration status and face a potential loss of federal benefits already [...]

DKI APCSS workshop a step in evolution of regional maritime security education

By |2016-02-29T16:29:00-10:00February 9th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Conference, Workshop, Alumni|

Academic and defense education leaders from 12 nations gathered at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Feb. 3 to 5 to brainstorm a path toward creation of a formal maritime security cooperation course Thirty academic and defense education leaders from 12 nations gathered at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Feb. 3 to 5 to brainstorm a path toward creation of a formal maritime security cooperation course. DKI APCSS conducted the event titled “Maritime Security Cooperation: Engagement through Education” in response to the U.S. government’s increasing emphasis on building international cooperative capacity for [...]

APOC provides 150 Fellows with strategic-level view of Asia-Pacific region

By |2016-02-03T10:10:51-10:00January 29th, 2016|Categories: Courses|

Seminar leader adds his experience to the group discussion. Broadening their understanding of the complex Asia-Pacific region, 150 security practitioners completed the Asia-Pacific Orientation Course today in Honolulu. Conducted Jan 25 to 29 at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, the course educated 150 participants on the myriad factors that impact the region’s security environment. Primarily mid-level military officers and their civilian equivalents take part in discussions centered on socio-economic, political, defense, health and environmental issues. “A lot of people have worked in Asia for a long time without a formal introduction to the region,” said [...]

Opinion: Maritime maneuvers signal turbulence for South China Sea – Dr. Mohan Malik

By |2017-03-09T13:26:15-10:00January 28th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Malik, Opinions/Editorials|

This week Dr. Mohan Malik guest blogged for the Global Risk Insights online publication. In his post, "Maritime maneuvers signal turbulence for South China Sea," Malik looks at how the collapse of the Chinese stock market and the recent landing of commercial flights on one of China’s fake islands in the South China Sea create new challenges in the year ahead. You can read his post online at: http://globalriskinsights.com/2016/01/maritime-maneuvers-signal-turbulence-for-south-china-sea/ The views expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect those of the Department of Defense, the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, or U.S. Government. -END-

Alumni Perspectives: Effective Strategic Communication in Countering Radicalism in Indonesia

By |2016-01-25T15:44:28-10:00January 25th, 2016|Categories: Courses, Alumni, Alumni Perspectives|

Mr. Irfan Abubakar While attending DKI APCSS courses, Fellows are required to complete a Fellows Project which may be done as a presentation, research paper, or policy brief. DKI APCSS is now making these papers available on line with our new "Alumni Perspectives" publications. "Effective Strategic Communication in Countering Radicalism in Indonesia," is a paper by a graduate of the Advanced Security Cooperation course (ASC 15-1), Mr. Irfan Abubakar, who serves as director of the Center for Study of Religion and Culture in Indonesia. According to Abubakar, his paper "analyzes the level of effectiveness with which the Indonesian National [...]

Workshop enables DKI APCSS, ASEAN nations to build education cooperation

By |2016-01-19T10:43:12-10:00January 15th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Conference, Workshop|

Twenty-seven participants from 11 nations took part in the Jan. 12 to 14 command and staff colleges workshop at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. The group represented 18 education institutionsin the Asia-Pacific region. Honolulu - In an effort to advance regional cooperation in professional military education, the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies facilitated a three-day workshop, Jan 12 to 14, 2016. Titled, “Command and Staff Colleges in the Asia-Pacific: Next Steps Towards a Framework for Cooperation,” the event brought together 27 participants from 11 nations representing 18 institutions from the region. Command [...]

Opinion: ‘The Trouble with the US Bomber Overflight Against North Korea’ – Dr. Van Jackson

By |2017-03-09T13:26:51-10:00January 12th, 2016|Categories: Courses, Faculty, Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, jackson|

Dr. Van Jackson recently wrote an Op/Ed on “The Trouble With The US Bomber Overflight Against North Korea” for The Diplomat. In the opinion piece, Jackson discusses the recent bilateral ROK- US bomber overflight against North Korea. While he states that the U.S. message to N. Korea could not have been clearer, he does believe that it could ultimately be problematic. This opinion piece is available online at: http://thediplomat.com/2016/01/the-trouble-with-the-us-bomber-overflight-against-north-korea/ The views expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect those of the Department of Defense, the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, or U.S. Government. -30-

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