Cooperation in problem-solving core of Transnational Security Cooperation course

By |2014-12-16T10:36:08-10:00December 15th, 2014|Categories: Courses, Faculty, College, Alumni|

In a news conference-like setting this week, six panels of senior multi-agency representatives briefed planned responses to a devastating Ebola outbreak and multiple damaging cyber attacks within Asia-Pacific nations. This conceptual exercise, featuring 28 international military and civilian security practitioners, was a key element in the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Theater Security Cooperation Course 14-2 held Dec. 7 – 12. Fellows graduated today from a course that promotes inter-agency collaboration in solving local, regional and even global security-related challenges. TSC is a senior executive course designed for military officers at the general officer level and civilian equivalents in the security [...]

APCSS takes APOC on-the-road to Arlington

By |2015-01-28T11:25:41-10:00December 2nd, 2014|Categories: Courses, College, Workshop, Alumni|Tags: , |

APCSS' Dr. Fouse, Dr. Campbell, and Capt. Clancy during apresentation on Transnational Security II (Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Cooperation.   A course to introduce security practitioners to issues impacting the Asia-Pacific recently took place in Arlington, Va. The four-day Mobile Asia-Pacific Orientation course, held Nov. 18-21, gave 73 U.S. and international security practitioners the chance to discuss and share knowledge on political, military, environmental, and socio-economic issues and how they impact U.S. national interests. The itinerary included a rigorous program of lectures, interactive sessions, and break-out seminars. The course conducted by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, based [...]

109 Fellows Complete Advanced Security Cooperation Course 14-3

By |2014-10-29T15:52:24-10:00October 29th, 2014|Categories: Courses, Faculty, College, Alumni|

(HONOLULU) – Security practitioners from 34 nations and territories graduated from the Advanced Security Cooperation Course 14-3 today at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. One hundred nine military and civilian Fellows attended the nearly five-week course Sep. 25 – Oct. 29. ASC is an executive education program in which course Fellows’ develop a shared understanding of critical socio-economic, military, political, and cultural issues impacting the region’s evolving security environment. "Most importantly,” said course manager Kerry Lynn Nankivell, “the ASC (course) moves participants to develop collaborative strategies to address regional challenges. These challenges can include everything from improving governance to preparing [...]

New Occasional Paper on Water Security

By |2014-09-30T17:43:59-10:00September 30th, 2014|Categories: Courses, Alumni|

Water is the topic of the latest Occasional Paper published by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. “State Water Resource Competition and the Resulting Consequences of Diminished Water Supply” by Mitchell L. Gildea looks at state competition and conflict over diminishing water resources in the Asia-Pacific region. Originally produced as a masters program thesis, the paper directly compares the Indus and Mekong regions showing the relational challenges and successes of the riparian countries involved and the role of China as an upstream water partner. You can download this paper online at:  An alumnus of the Asia-Pacific Orientation Course (APOC 11-2), [...]

Alumni Perspective: A Relationship of Convenience: The Russo-Chinese Strategic Partnership

By |2015-02-05T10:02:40-10:00September 26th, 2014|Categories: College, Alumni, Alumni Perspectives|

The APCSS Regional Security Studies Internship Program brings to the Center graduate and undergraduate students from around the world to assist and participate in APCSS courses. Amanda Lamothe-Cadet served as a Regional Security Studies Intern in the summer of 2014 and recently completed a paper entitled “A Relationship of Convenience: The Russo-Chinese Strategic Partnership” as part of our Alumni Perspectives program.   In this paper she discusses how Russia and China have developed a rather unique strategic partnership, largely predicated upon deepening their economic ties and criticizing the West, as well as underlying issues that may complicate this relationship. The paper is [...]

Enhancing Maritime Resource Security in the Gulf of Thailand

By |2014-08-29T15:46:21-10:00August 21st, 2014|Categories: College, Conference, Workshop, Alumni|

Maritime Security is one of several focus areas for the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.  APCSS partnered with the World Ocean Council to conduct a multi-national workshop on preserving the Gulf of Thailand’s maritime assets, held August 12-14 in Singapore. Titled “Enhancing Maritime Resource Security: A Cross-sectoral Dialogue for the Gulf of Thailand Initiative,” the workshop enabled officials from four coastal nations to address the anticipated impacts of developing trends in the marine industries most active in GoT waters over the next three to five years. Participants were from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The seminar was part of an ongoing [...]

CCM 14-1 Concludes with 100 new Alumni

By |2014-07-02T06:50:56-10:00July 1st, 2014|Categories: Courses, College, Alumni|

APCSS Director Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Dan Leaf and the Senior CCM 14-1 Fellow display their class pennant at the conclusion of the commencement ceremony. One hundred fellows representing 31 different nations and territories, and one international organization, graduated July 1 from the Comprehensive Crisis Management (CCM) Course 14-1 at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in Honolulu. This diverse group of security practitioners was comprised of senior leaders and officials from across various military services, government ministries, law-enforcement agencies, foreign affairs, academic institutions, and other public sector branches. The graduates of CCM 14-1 brought a wide variety of regional [...]

Alumni Perspective on Crisis in Ukraine and the Implications for the Asia-Pacific

By |2014-06-10T11:07:03-10:00June 10th, 2014|Categories: Courses, College, Alumni|

While attending APCSS courses, Fellows are required to complete a Fellows Project which may be done as a presentation, research paper or policy brief. APCSS is now making these papers available on line with our new “Alumni Perspectives” publications. U.S. Air Force Major John Rogers, who recently completed the Advanced Security Cooperation Course (ASC 14-2), writes about the “Crisis in Ukraine and the Implications for the Asia-Pacific” in his paper and warns of the potential for strategic miscalculations,. “Crisis in Ukraine and the Implications for the Asia-Pacific” is now available online here: The views expressed in this article are those [...]

Alumni Perspective on Tackling Corruption

By |2014-06-10T17:25:35-10:00June 4th, 2014|Categories: Alumni|

While attending APCSS courses, Fellows are required to complete a Fellows Project which may be done as a presentation, research paper or policy brief. APCSS is now making these papers available on line with our new "Alumni Perspectives" publications. Ministry of Defense Deputy Secretary Prakash Praveen Siddharth (India), who recently completed the Advanced Security Cooperation Course (ASC 14-2), writes about "Tackling Corruption in Transnational Defense Procurement: Problems of Identification and Attribution” in his paper. "Tackling Corruption in Transnational Defense Procurement: Problems of Identification and Attribution” is now available online here:

APCSS publishes Women, Peace, & Security Strategy

By |2020-03-05T13:31:49-10:00April 24th, 2014|Categories: Faculty, College, Alumni, Women Peace and Security|Tags: |

This week the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies unveiled a new strategic policy statement in support of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS). The strategy outlines APCSS’ commitment to fostering an inclusive security sector through engagement and executive education of security practitioners in the Asia-Pacific Region. During ASC14-1 three Fellows completed special projects related to Women, Peace and security. Pictured with WPS project leads Lt. Cmdr. Dara Kollasch and Dr. Lori Forman are Deputy Police Chief Jean Salvador (Philippines), Lt Colonel MD Masum (Bangladesh), and Ms. Sri Rumiati (Indonesian National Police) According to Navy Lt. [...]

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