Religion in a Values-Based Approach to Strategic Competition

By |2020-10-14T12:21:16-10:00October 14th, 2020|Categories: Oehlers, Journal, news|Tags: , |

“Religion in a Values-Based Approach to Strategic Competition” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Alfred Oehlers for Security Nexus. This article asks the question “Can we bring religious faiths and beliefs to bear in our strategic competition with our competitors?” Excerpt We speak often of a values-based approach to strategic competition.  In so doing, we usually operate within a mental frame that privileges familiar political and economic values such as those associated with our democratic political systems and practices, and our liberal market-led approaches to economic organization.  Less often do we draw attention to [...]

Perceptions of U.S. Posture in Papua New Guinea

By |2020-10-14T12:13:05-10:00October 14th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“Perceptions of U.S. Posture in Papua New Guinea” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon and Michael Kabuni for Security Nexus. This article compares the effects of U.S. posture on the relationship with Papua New Guinea, to that of the People’s Republic of China, along with other influences. Excerpt In Papua New Guinea (PNG), activities by the United States were highly visible in World War II, but have steadily declined ever since. This decay in international relations has been more obvious since the early 2000s when it is contrasted with the rise of [...]

Strategic Competition, National Security and the Need for ‘Competitive Intelligence’

By |2020-10-14T11:37:17-10:00October 14th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“Strategic Competition, National Security and the Need for ‘Competitive Intelligence’” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon for Security Nexus. This article illustrates how Competitive intelligence lies at the center of any strategy to maintain political, economic and security posture in the Indo-Pacific region. Excerpt We live in an age in which technology is rapidly transforming every aspect of our lives. Since these advances bestow upon nations considerable advantages, they are coveted and sought after with increasing criminally-motivated avarice. This has increased tensions and competition between the great powers, which forces us to [...]

Maritime Domain Awareness and Maritime Fusion Centers

By |2020-10-02T16:15:22-10:00October 2nd, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news, McMullin|Tags: , , |

“Maritime Domain Awareness and Maritime Fusion Centers” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS professors Dr. Deon Canyon and Capt. Jim McMullin for Security Nexus. This article emphasizes the importance of maritime domain awareness (MDA) and the coordinating efforts of maritime fusion centers (MFC) to support those efforts. Excerpt The essential mission of a MFC is to strengthen MDA by gathering and analyzing data from multiple sources, fusing it into meaningful information, and disseminating actionable intelligence to operational commanders to directly improve national security, safety, economy, and environment. Not all maritime centers source data broadly enough to [...]

Achieving Effective Herd Protection with SARS-CoV-2: A Strategy to Prevent Public Health and Economic Collapse

By |2020-09-24T15:05:54-10:00September 24th, 2020|Categories: Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“Achieving Effective Herd Protection with SARS-CoV-2: A Strategy to Prevent Public Health and Economic Collapse” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS alum Dr. Noel Lee J. Miranda for Security Nexus. This article discusses strategies to harness the collective utility of proven tools and approaches in achieving effective herd protection with SARS-CoV-2. Excerpt The main intention of lockdown, known in the Philippines as Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), is to reduce the reproductive rate of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to a point near virus elimination, as demonstrated in the lockdown in Wuhan, China, and in other relatively successful countries. Beyond [...]

Ideological Necrophilia

By |2020-09-24T14:47:57-10:00September 24th, 2020|Categories: Journal, news|Tags: , |

“Ideological Necrophilia” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS alum Yovani E. Chavez, (Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism course 14-1) for Security Nexus. This paper cites how the refusal of new ideas, evolution or change may be considered to be a form of “ideological” necrophilia, an atypical fixation for dead ideas, and includes several examples. Excerpt For those who suffer from ideological necrophilia, it is always easy to find reasons to ridicule, criticize, or reject when something is new and revolutionary.  Ideological necrophilia is a devastating condition that can affect people, organizations, companies and nations. It can manifest [...]

Tarrant’s Last Laugh? The Spectre of White Supremacist Penetration of Western Security Forces

By |2020-09-22T12:37:04-10:00September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Journal, news|Tags: , , , |

“Tarrant’s Last Laugh? The Spectre of White Supremacist Penetration of Western Security Forces” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS alum Kumar Ramakrishna (CS09-2) for Security Nexus. This paper brings White supremacist extremism to reality with citations and points to “Western militaries” as organizations already infiltrated with this ideology. Abstract White supremacist extremism, also known as “right-wing” and “far right” extremism, is a broad label of convenience that lumps together, amongst others, white nationalist, neo-Nazi, anti-immigrant, anti-gun control, anti-LGBTQ and increasingly even misogynistic grievances. While its key tropes have gestated for decades, an underlying theme that has [...]

Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools

By |2020-09-04T10:28:11-10:00September 4th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools” is the title of paper by DKI APCSS’ Dr. Deon Canyon and former visiting scholar Jonathan Chan for Security Nexus. This paper documents a methodology for creating crisis-games that are designed to explore possible futures in the medium and long-term. It describes a four-step process in which security practitioners work on understanding threat systems, delve into the related underlying driving forces of the threats, create future scenarios in which these forces interact and play out, and explore these scenarios using adversarial crisis-games. According to the authors, “While they have [...]

China’s Global Security Aspirations with Afghanistan and the Taliban

By |2020-08-13T10:50:39-10:00August 13th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news, Sitaraman|Tags: , , |

“China’s Global Security Aspirations with Afghanistan and the Taliban” is the title of a paper written by Dr. Deon Canyon and Dr. Srini Sitaraman for Security Nexus. This paper details possible motives of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in forming new partnerships with Afghanistan through a historic lens, amidst the effects of COVID-19 and the U.S. withdrawal. Excerpt As the U.S. plans its departure from Afghanistan, China is using the COVID-19 pandemic as a backdrop to build regional ties in meetings with Afghanistan, Nepal and Pakistan that aim to extend the BRI. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, “We [...]

Before it’s Too Late: U.S. Maritime Grand Strategy in the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean

By |2020-08-13T10:16:26-10:00August 13th, 2020|Categories: Journal, news, Turvold, McMullin, McCann|Tags: , , |

Three DKI APCSS professors recent coauthored a paper titled “Before it’s Too Late: U.S. Maritime Grand Strategy in the Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.” Prof. Wade Turvold, Capt. Kimberly McCann and Capt. James McMullin collaborated on this OpEd for Security Nexus. This paper examines the actions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the South China Sea as a means to predict their intent in the Indian and Arctic Oceans. Excerpt The CCP’s unlawful aggression and coercive actions during the COVID-19 global pandemic forebodingly highlight its determination to achieve its objectives at all costs. For example, the CCP [...]

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