Topic Specific Maps & Charts

By |2022-03-11T15:19:16-10:00March 23rd, 2010|

Maps & Charts When planning to use maps as part of a presentation or within a research paper, it is required that proper credit be given. Most of the map collections have information sections with permission guidelines. Please read the information regarding use of maps on each web site. General Map Resources NDU Map Resources Guide - A guide to map resources on the internet. Prepared by the NDU Library staff in support of the courses, conferences, and research requirements of the National Defense University. CIA Maps - Search over 100 locations across the globe. Library of Congress Map [...]

APCSS Innovations

By |2011-12-05T13:51:31-10:00March 22nd, 2010|

Innovations at APCSS Expanded ET/IT and audiences APCSS has made implementing Education Technology (ET)/ Information Technology (IT) a priority. We are currently testing new technology to enhance the education experience here. Click here to read more... Facility Upgrades APCSS continues to enhance the learning environment with facility upgrades. Click here to learn more about our latest project... Partnered Outreach Events APCSS staff and faculty routinely travel throughout the Asia-Pacific region to conduct mini-courses, conferences and research that address specific needs identified by host nation and U.S. Embassy officials. These Outreach Events are co-hosted with various host nation academic or research organizations. [...]

AP for Kids

By |2015-10-19T14:16:22-10:00March 22nd, 2010|

click here for an interactive quiz Learning about Asia-Pacific Test your knowledge of: Countries in the Asia-Pacific and their flags Easy Hard Very Hard Asia-Pacific facts and geography quiz Easy Hard Harder How much is that again? - Currency Quiz Word Search Crossword Puzzles: International Relations International Issues Other Useful Links Take the International Education Week Cultural Geography Quiz What children think... Language Reference sites Learning Activities sites Diplomacy 101 Pacific and Asian Affairs Council Programs Disclaimer The appearance of these hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, United States Pacific Command, or the Asia-Pacific Center of [...]


By |2016-10-24T14:42:06-10:00March 22nd, 2010|

Introduction to APCSSLink Overview APCSSLink is the new alumni website. APCSSLink allows members access to a network with over 3,000 security affairs practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region, drawn from APCSS alumni, faculty, and staff. With APCSSLink, you can maintain existing contacts from the course you attended and develop new relationships with participants from all APCSS courses and conferences held over the last 13 years. Features and Resources People from over 50 countries Groups based on: Subject Matter (e.g., Crisis Management; Trends Analysis) Country Alumni Associations Classes (e.g., Comprehensive Crisis Management 08-2) Latest papers by alumni and faculty APCSS event schedules, including [...]


By |2024-06-25T09:22:37-10:00March 22nd, 2010|

EDS combines access to a group of databases as selected by your Library. Retrieve articles, e-books and other content from Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies, Newspaper Source Plus, Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO), JSTOR, and Stratfor (RANE). Search all EDS Databases Click a link below to search a specific EDS database Academic Search Complete Business Source Complete International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies Newspaper Source Plus Columbia [...]


By |2024-05-21T15:09:11-10:00March 22nd, 2010|

The Alumni Program provides a forum for former graduates and faculty to maintain contact with the Center and with each other. We maintain a data base of all graduates and former faculty members to help you stay connected with the Center and each other. Additionally, we provide information on the whereabouts of our alumni to our Center Director and Deputy Director so they may meet with you socially during their travels throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Update your personal data. We encourage you to update us frequently on promotions, changes to duty position and address, and other significant personal [...]

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