A collaborative event conducted in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region that addresses cutting-edge current and/or future security and security-cooperation challenges.
- Formatted to produce actionable outputs and executable outcomes, resulting in unique value-added to partnering organizations and participants.
- Topics target urgent and important security issues that are seen as ‘too hard’ or ‘too new’ to address in a large, more structured forum.
- Workshop duration is 2 to 5 days, and typically attended by 30 to 50 participants.
- Selection of participants focuses heavily on alumni of DKI APCSS; such alumni are included in order to improve open discussions among new participants and to offer alumni continuing education opportunities at the next/higher level.
- Upon completion, participants are introduced to various ways in which they may connect to others for the purposes of discussion, information sharing, and catalyzing cooperation.
In-Resident workshops will for the most part mirror the In-Region workshops previously described with regard to scope and concept. When held in-resident, the bilateral workshops afford increased candor and openness of participants, and multi-lateral workshops typically have broader nation involvement as target countries are not contained to a sub-region. With in-resident workshops there will be greater participation by USINDOPACOM and other U.S. agencies.
- Cooperative Security in Critical Infrastructure Resilience in Cyberspace, DKI APCSS, October 2019
- Alumni Associations: Advancing Regional Security Cooperation 2019, DKI APCSS, September 2019
- Building Maritime Shared Awareness in Southeast Asia, DKI APCSS, July 2019
- Europe-Asia CT: Securing Borders Against Traveling Terrorist, Garmisch, Germany, May 2019
- National Security Policy Development in the Pacific Islands, DKI APCSS, March 2019
- 14th ADMM+ on HADR, DKI APCSS, March 2019
- China’s Global Reach: A Security Assessment Workshop, DKI APCSS, January 2019
- Integrating Private, Civil, and Public Sector Disaster Response, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2018
- Advancing a Free and Open Indo-Pacific, at DKI APCSS, October 2018
- Considering Confidence Building Measures Regarding North Korea, DKI APCSS, September 2018
- Vietnam in a Changing Region: Looking Ahead to 2025, Ninh Binh, Vietnam, September 2018
- Building Maritime Shared Awareness In Southeast Asia IV, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2018
- U.S. Strategy in the Indo-Pacific, at DKI APCSS, April 2018
- Countering Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia: Recent Lessons and Urgent Priorities, Manila, Philippines, March 2018
- 12th ASEAN Defense Minister’s Meeting Plus Experts Working Group on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, at DKI APCSS, February 2018
- ASEAN @ 50, Southeast Asia @ Risk: What Should Be Done? A Prescriptive Workshop, at DKI APCSS, October 2017
- Building Maritime Capacity: A Quadrilateral Approach, Tokyo, Japan, September 2017
- 11th ASEAN Defense Minister’s Meeting Plus Experts Working Group on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, at DKI APCSS, September 2017
- Disaster Response Regional Architectures: Assessing Future Possibilities, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2017
- Building Maritime Shared Awareness in Southeast Asia III, at DKI APCSS, May 2017
- Enhancing Maritime Safety in the Asia-Pacific Region, Singapore, April 2017
- Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Cooperation, at DKI APCSS, March 2017
- Security Sector Development in the Indian Ocean Region, at DKI APCSS, December 2016
- Japan-US Defense Capacity Building Dialogue, at DKI APCSS, November 2016
- Maritime Security Challenges 2016: Pacific Seapower Conference, Victoria, Canada, October 2016
- Addressing Institutional Impediments to Inclusion in the Security Sector, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 2016
- Building Inclusive Security Sector in Myanmar, Naypyitaw, Myanmar, August 2016
- Building Maritime Shared Awareness in Southeast Asia II, at DKI APCSS, May 2016
- Transnational Threats and Borders: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Security, New Delhi, India, April 2016
- Maritime Security Cooperation: Engagement through Education, at DKI APCSS, February 2016
- DKI APCSS Command and Staff College Workshop; “Next Steps Towards a Framework for Cooperation” Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2016
For more information or questions about Workshops, please email us at