Dr. Sam Mullins (far right) participates in a panel discussion with Dr. Amira Jadoon (middle) and Assoc. Prof. Elina Noor (far left) during CSRT 19-1. The topic was “After the ‘Caliphate.’
Cooperation between Regional Centers was showcased when the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies welcomed two faculty from the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies to participate in the Comprehensive Security Reponses to Terrorism course in Honolulu.
DKI APCSS has sent faculty members to the Marshall Center to support courses and held a number of joint workshops. However, this is the first time Marshall Center faculty have joined the DKI APCSS faculty for a course in Honolulu.
Dr. Sam Mullins and Professor James K. Wither spent several weeks at DKI APCSS as part of the CSRT course faculty.
Mullins, a counterterrorism professor, served as a seminar leader during the course. He lectured on “Terrorist Motivations,” “Returning Travelling Terrorists,” “Lone-Actor Terrorism,” and was part of a panel discussion on “After the Caliphate.”
“The best part of these courses is always interacting with the Fellows,” said Mullins. “Because DKI APCSS has a different regional focus this has given me the opportunity to speak with people from countries I wouldn’t normally see at the Marshall Center, and to get fresh perspectives on issues of terrorism and counter-terrorism. It’s also a great opportunity to pick up new ideas and best practices for conducting courses. There are certain things you do here that we don’t, and vice versa. Ideally, by cooperating like this, we can get the best from both worlds and make our programs even better.“
Wither, a professor of National Security Studies, lectured on “The Strategies of Terrorism: Making Sense of Terrorist Violence” and “Armed Forces in Counterterrorism.” He also conducted an elective on “Talking to Terrorists.”
For Wither, being able to be part of the DKI APCSS course offered insights on how DKI APCSS and GCMC do things a little differently. “The PTSS is a more tightly structured course than the CSRT and includes more CT topics. However, the APCSS course allows more time for student reflection and opportunities for relationship/network building,” said Wither. “I have brought back some ideas from the CSRT to consider for PTSS, notably the morning news brief sessions and the student debates. “
Mullins, who has since joined the DKI APCSS faculty, supports more collaboration between the Centers. “Although we have different regional focuses, we have the same mission, and so combining our resources and sharing best practices will only make us stronger.”
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