Exploring vulnerabilities in Papua New Guinea’s national security
A recent paper by Francis Hualupmomi, Ph.D., published in Security Nexus and titled “System Perspective,” explores vulnerabilities in Papua New Guinea’s national security. The [...]
Climate Adaptation: Building Partnerships for Resilience in South Asia
Climate adaptation and building climate literacy were the focus of a workshop hosted by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. The workshop titled “Climate Adaptation: Building Partnerships for Resilience in South Asia” was held August 21-24, 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Every Taiwan Citizen a Resistance Member: Preparing for a Chinese Occupation
Dr. Jeremiah “Lumpy” Lumbaca, has a new article entitled “Every Taiwan Citizen a Resistance Member: Preparing for a Chinese Occupation” published by the Modern War Institute at [...]
Philippines must stand up for its rights at South China Sea shoal
Dr. Alex Vuving’s most recent article for Nikkei Asia comments on the latest activity in the South China Sea. China has been involved in [...]
Join us for a virtual seminar on space
Webinar Registration UH event webpage aprsaf.org Join us for a virtual seminar: "Accelerating Asia-Pacific Space Economies Through Partnerships: Challenges, Opportunities, and [...]
South Korea Needs a Drone Strategy
Dr. Lami Kim’s OpEd “South Korea Needs a Drone Strategy” was recently published in the National Interest. According to Kim, “As North Korea’s drone [...]
Security Nexus paper on Northeast Asia’s Military Tech & South Korean Defense Implications
A recent Security Nexus paper titled “Emerging New Military Technologies in Northeast Asia and Implications for South Korean Defense Strategy” by retired Navy Captain [...]
Engaging Transnational Security in the Heart of the Pacific
The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) brought together senior-level security practitioners from more than 20 countries to explore transnational [...]
Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Exchange
Join us for the 2023 Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Exchange (IMSE) webinar! With the enduring theme of "Building Partnerships for Security, Stability and Prosperity", this year's virtual event will focus [...]
New Policy Brief on China’s Nuclear Modernization and Northeast Asian Security
In a new policy brief published in the ASIA-Pacific Leadership network, DKI APCSS Prof. Lami Kim examines the implications of China’s nuclear weapons build-up [...]
Security Nexus article presents Germany’s Indo-Pacific strategy
“Looking for Direction: Germany in the Indo-Pacific” is the latest perspective article for Security Nexus. Its author, Sandra Meerwein, a former DKI APCSS Research [...]
Four DKI APCSS professors support Thailand’s Senior Security Studies Program
The Royal Thai Armed Forces’ Strategic Studies Center of the National Defense Studies Institute recently hosted the fourth Senior Security Studies Program. The intensive [...]
Professors Cho and Kim publish articles on strengthening ROK-US critical technologies
In a report published by the Pacific Forum, professors Sungmin Cho and Lami Kim contribute articles exploring the evolving U.S.-South Korea alliance through technology [...]
Fellow’s Spotlight: Claret Chungum from the Marshall Islands (CSC 23-2)
With more than 25 years of educating, empowering, and connecting security practitioners around the world, we’re now seeing participants whose parents or even [...]
Director Gumataotao delivers insights on the Indo-Pacific region at Nauru government’s ambassador’s retreat
Peter Gumataotao, director of the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, was invited as a special guest speaker for the Nauru government’s [...]
Maj. Afua Boahema-Lee publishes climate change article
“Comparative Study on Climate Change in Thailand, Vietnam” is the latest article by U.S. Army Maj. Afua Boahema-Lee, published in Liaison, a journal of [...]