The Recruiter is essentially responsible for strategy and execution of the development, tracking and support of our program quotas from all sources. The position focuses on course programs. There is also the direct liaison with all of our embassies worldwide. The Registrar division is responsible for processing an individual’s application, working with the embassies to bring the individual to Hawaii in concert with our Travel Division, and managing assorted challenges as the individuals are vetted. During a course, the staff of the division also take the lead to execute our Foundations of Fellowship program. The Alumni division is responsible to engage the Fellow graduates via various media (personal, electronic, paper etc.), track their career progress, and arrange for meetings with faculty and staff, most importantly the Director during regional travel. In essence, to maintain communication plus strengthen our alumni network ensures that we are able to support them and leverage their expertise—this goes to our mission to build and nurture those relationships.
AdmissionsAPCSS Editor2024-05-24T10:53:43-10:00