Pictured are: (l-r) Secretary Gallen, DKI APCSS Director Pete Gumataotao, Amb. Carmen Cantor, FSM President David W. Panuelo, FSM Ambassador to the United States Akillino Harris Susaia, Secretary Elieisar, and DKI APCSS Deputy Director Jim Hirai.
During a trip to Honolulu this week for defense talks with US officials, President David W. Panuelo of the Federated States of Micronesia, visited the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies on July 19, where he met with the Center’s Director Pete Gumataotao and participated in a roundtable discussion with DKI APCSS faculty.
Accompanying him on the visit to the Center were U.S. Ambassador Carmen Cantor as well as FSM Foreign Secretary Kandhi Elieisar, Secretary/Attorney General Joses Gallen, FSM Ambassador to the U.S., AMB Akillino Harris Susaia, and FSM Acting Consul-General in Honolulu Henry Shrew.

During his visit to the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. FSM President Panuelo and U.S. Ambassador to FSM Carmen Cantor, received presentations from DKI APCSS faculty and participated in round-table discussions.
During the discussion, President Panuelo reiterated FSM’s enduring and strong commitment to a relationship with the U.S. He expressed deep appreciation to the U.S. for the security umbrella protecting the sovereignty of FSM as well as Covid-19 vaccine support, which has helped keep FSM COVID-free.
Discussions covered such topics as climate change, food and water security, migration, transnational crime, IUU fishing and cybersecurity.
In a broader context, President Panuelo emphasized a need for training, education and capacity building for FSM officials, especially in areas associated with longer-range planning and preparation expertise, which are skills much needed to successfully navigate the current 21st century complexities.
“It was a productive visit with candid discussions with senior FSM officials made possible by the longstanding relationship we’ve forged with the FSM and other Oceania Pacific island nations,” said Director Gumataotao. “It was also a good opportunity for DKI APCSS to welcome back five distinguished alumni simultaneously for a ‘reunion’: the President himself, Foreign Secretary Elieisar, Secretary Gallen, Acting Consul Shrew and U.S. Ambassador Cantor.”
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