On June 25, 2024, the Security Nexus Webinar, hosted by Dr. James Minnich, featured Professor Shyam Tekwani from DKI APCSS. The episode “India’s Security Outlook in Modi’s Third Term” explored the implications of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership on India’s domestic, regional, and global security landscape.

Introduction and Modi’s Leadership
The discussion highlighted India’s journey from British colonial rule in 1947 to a major global player and the significant turn in its political landscape with Narendra Modi’s election as Prime Minister in 2014. Professor Tekwani noted Modi’s ability to connect with a diverse voter base and his focus on economic reforms and social welfare programs.

Domestic Policy Achievements and Criticisms
The webinar examined the domestic implications of Modi’s policies, noting significant milestones in economic development and infrastructure alongside criticisms of demonetization and GST implementation. The rise of Hindu nationalism has led to societal tensions and concerns about the marginalization of religious minorities.

Regional Implications
Recent boundary disputes with China, particularly over the Galwan Valley, have strained relationships with neighboring countries. Tensions with Pakistan over Kashmir and cross-border terrorism continue to influence regional dynamics. Modi’s firm stance on national security has bolstered India’s defensive posture but complicated its diplomatic relationships.

International Implications and Global Perception
Internationally, Modi is seen as a pivotal figure in balancing China’s influence. However, concerns about India’s adherence to democratic principles and human rights persist. Strengthening ties with the United States and active participation in the Quad are seen as a counterbalance to Chinese dominance in the Indo-Pacific. Addressing international concerns about human rights and democratic values will be crucial for maintaining India’s positive global image.

Future Initiatives and Strategies
Looking ahead, Professor Tekwani predicted continued focus on infrastructure development, technological advancements, and military modernization.

Book Recommendations:

  • Unequal: Why India Lags Behind Its Neighbours by Swati Narayan
  • Whole Numbers and Half Truths: What Data Can and Cannot Tell Us about Modern India by Rukmini S
  • The Saffron Storm: From Vajpayee to Modi by Saba Naqvi
  • Midnight’s Borders: A People’s History of Modern India by Suchitra Vijayan