“Still an ’Excellent Relationship: Australian-American Relations in Testing Times”
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By APCSS Editor|2020-04-02T11:09:16-10:00February 9th, 2008|
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By APCSS Editor|2020-04-02T11:19:25-10:00January 9th, 2008|
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By APCSS Editor|2024-02-05T09:54:59-10:00November 12th, 2000|
Introduction Like all natural resources on Earth, fish are finite. While aquaculture now supplies about half of the fish caught annually, and while estimates of amounts being fished vary widely, data suggest that, globally, over one-third of fish stocks are harvested beyond biologically sustainable limits. The problem of overfishing is rapidly getting worse as the mass of captured fish increased four-fold over the past six decades, particularly in tropical oceans. Trends indicate a non-sustainable trajectory for fish populations, worldwide, with increases in per capita fish consumption outstripping human population growth. In 2018 (the most recent year for which data are [...]
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